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Italian-German translation for: [Pers.]
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Dictionary Italian German: [Pers]

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suo {adj} {pron} [di lei]
ihr [3. Pers. weibl. Sing.]
ling. suo {adj} {pron} [di lui]
sein [3. Pers. männl. Sing.]
le {pron} [pron. pers. - 3. persona femm. sing.]
ihr [Personalpronomen - 3. Pers. weibl. Sing.]
loro {pron} [inv.] [pron. poss. - 3. pers. {m.pl} {f.pl}] [p. es. la loro casa, le loro speranze]
ihr [Possessivpronomen - 3. Pers. Plur.] [z. B. ihr Haus, ihre Hoffnungen]
lo {pron} [pron. pers. - 3. pers. {m} sing.]
ihn [Personalpronomen - 3. Pers. {m} Sing.]
ce {pron} [1. pers. pl.] [compl. di termine davanti a lo, la, li, le ne]
adducesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - addurre]du führtest an
addussi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - addurre]ich führte an [als Argument, Erklärung]
andai [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - andare]ich ging
andasti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - andare]du gingst
assistei [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - assistere]ich stand bei
assistesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - assistere]du standest bei
assolsi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - assolvere]ich sprach frei
assolvesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - assolvere]du sprachst frei
assolvetti [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - assolvere]ich sprach frei
assumesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - assumere]du übernahmst
assunsi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - assumere]ich übernahm
avesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - avere]du hattest
bevetti [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - bere]ich trank
bevvi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - bere]ich trank
caddi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - cadere]ich fiel
cadesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - cadere]du fielst
calesse [impf. cong. 3. pers. sing. - calere]es wäre gelegen
chiedesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - chiedere]du fragtest
chiesi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - chiedere]ich fragte
chiudesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - chiudere]du schlossest
chiusi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - chiudere]ich schloss
concedesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - concedere]du billigtest zu
concedetti [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - concedere]ich billigte zu
concessi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - concedere]ich billigte zu
connessi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - connettere]ich verband
connettei [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - connettere]ich verband
connettesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - connettere]du verbandest
conobbi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - conoscere]ich kannte
conoscesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - conoscere]du kanntest
corresti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - correre]du liefst
corsi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - correre]ich lief
cossi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - cuocere]ich kochte
cuocesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - cuocere]du kochtest
decidesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - decidere]du entschiedest
decisi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - decidere]ich entschied
depressi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - deprimere]ich drückte nieder
deprimesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - deprimere]du drücktest nieder
desti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - dare]du gabst
detti [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - dare]ich gab
dir. devolvei [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - devolvere]ich trat ab
dir. devolvetti [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - devolvere]ich trat ab
dicesti [pass. rem. 2. pers. sing. - dire]du sagtest
diedi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - dare]ich gab
diressi [pass. rem. 1. pers. sing. - dirigere]ich leitete
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